18. Configuration and TOS / TOF versions    Appendix

In this appendix we will present the TOS configuration file used for data taking at CAST and shortly note on versions of TOS and TOF used.

18.1. TOS configuration file

Below is the configuration file as it was used at CAST during the data taking periods. Most notably it contains the required address for the FADC in the VME crate, the high voltage settings (groups, voltages and current bounds) and the FADC settings (channel, trigger threshold etc.).

sAddress_fadc = 1
baseAddress_hv = 0x4000

setKillEnable                   = true
# Voltage and Current RampSped currently set to arbitrary value
# in percent / second
moduleVoltageRampSpeed          = 0.1
moduleCurrentRampSpeed          = 50
# checkModuleTimeInterval       = 60, checks the status of the
# module every 60 seconds during a Run, between two events
checkModuleTimeInterval         = 60

# if this flag is set to true, anode and grid
# will be coupled to one group
anodeGridGroupFlag              = true
# grid is master channel of set on group
anodeGridGroupMasterChannel     = 5
anodeGridGroupNumber            = 0
monitorTripGroupFlag            = true
monitorTripGroupNumber          = 1
rampingGroupFlag                = true
rampingGroupNumber              = 2                          
gridChannelNumber               = 5
anodeChannelNumber              = 6
cathodeChannelNumber            = 9

# grid, anode and cathode settings
# all currents given in A (vmecontrol shows mA)
0_Name                          = grid
0_Number                        = 5
0_VoltageSet                    = 300
0_VoltageNominal                = 500
0_VoltageBound                  = 10
0_CurrentSet                    = 0.000050
0_CurrentNominal                = 0.000500 
0_CurrentBound                  = 0
1_Name                          = anode
1_Number                        = 6
1_VoltageSet                    = 375
1_VoltageNominal                = 500
1_VoltageBound                  = 10
1_CurrentSet                    = 0.000050
1_CurrentNominal                = 0.000500
1_CurrentBound                  = 0
2_Name                          = cathode
2_Number                        = 9
2_VoltageSet                    = 1875
2_VoltageNominal                = 2500
2_VoltageBound                  = 15
2_CurrentSet                    = 0.000050
2_CurrentNominal                = 0.000500
2_CurrentBound                  = 0
3_Name                          = Ring1
3_Number                        = 7
3_VoltageSet                    = 415
3_VoltageNominal                = 500
3_VoltageBound                  = 15
3_CurrentSet                    = 0.000100
3_CurrentNominal                = 0.000500
3_CurrentBound                  = 0
4_Name                          = Ring29
4_Number                        = 8
4_VoltageSet                    = 1830
4_VoltageNominal                = 2500
4_VoltageBound                  = 15
4_CurrentSet                    = 0.000100
4_CurrentNominal                = 0.000500
4_CurrentBound                  = 0
6_Name                          = sipm
6_Number                        = 4
6_VoltageSet                    = 65.6
6_VoltageNominal                = 100
6_VoltageBound                  = 5
6_CurrentSet                    = 0.0005
6_CurrentNominal                = 0.0005
6_CurrentBound                  = 0
# The veto paddle scintillator is commented out, as it was supplied
# with HV by an external CAEN HV power supply.
# 5_Name                        = szintillator
# 5_Number                      = 11
# #5_VoltageSet                 = 1300
# 5_VoltageSet                  = 0
# 5_VoltageNominal              = 2500
# 5_VoltageBound                = 5
# 5_CurrentSet                  = 0.002
# 5_CurrentNominal              = 0.002
# 5_CurrentBound                = 0

[Fadc] # FADC Settings
fadcTriggerType                 = 3 
fadcFrequency                   = 2
fadcPosttrig                    = 80
fadcPretrig                     = 15000
# was 2033 before, 1966 corresponds to -40 mV
fadcTriggerThresholdRegisterAll = 1966 
# run time of a single pedestal run for the FADC in ms
fadcPedestalRunTime             = 100
# number of acquisition runs done for each pedestal calibration
fadcPedestalNumRuns             = 10
# using channel 0 on FADC as trigger source, thus bit 0  1!
fadcChannelSource               = 1
# set FADC mode register (mainly to enable 14-bit readout)
fadcModeRegister                = 0b000

[Temperature] # temperature related parameters
safeUpperTempIMB                = 61
safeUpperTempSeptem             = 61
safeLowerTempIMB                = 0
safeLowerTempSeptem             = 0

18.2. TOS and TOF versions used at CAST

For the DAQ software TOS unfortunately no discrete git tags exist, due to its rocky development. However, based on the git repository (“TOS - Timepix Operating Software,” n.d.) and the dates of the start of the data taking campaigns (see 10.1), it is simple to deduce the corresponding commits which were used.

The detector firmware versions, TOF, have an even less well defined history. No development history exists, strictly speaking. The .bit files are available, but their names are very 'descriptive' in nature, but do not contain any version numbers either. If memory serves correctly, the version used in Run-3 at CAST contained something like szint1_fixed in its filename, indicating that the scintillator trigger logic was fixed (which was the major bug in Run-2).

18.2.1. More notes on the TOF versions    extended

Tobi expressed some of his development frustrations by coming up with ever more creative ways to name the binary files!

The initial version might have been bastis neues lielibings tof or something like that. Well, it's not like it matters much at this point, which is why I did not spend any time really digging into which version exactly was used.

Click on any heading marked 'extended' to open it