22. CAST data taking notes [0/1]   Appendix extended

NOTE: This can't be properly exported to the full thesis in a PDF. The layout is all sorts of broken.

This file contains a run list of all runs taken during the data taking period starting in October 2017.

It lists each run, separated as data or calibration run and includes notes about chip settings etc. (in case there were changes).

    • CAST detector documentation
    • Shifter documentation
    • ..?

22.1. Run table

This section contains a table of the different runs, which identifies what type each run is, when it started and ended.

The type column describes the run as either

  • 'd' == data runs
  • 'c' == calibration run
  • 'x' == experimental, related to development, problems etc

22.1.1. Run in 2017

Run # Type {d, c} Start End Length Backup? Notes
76 d <2017-10-30 Mon 18:39> <2017-11-02 Thu 05:24> 2 days 10:44 y  
77 d <2017-11-02 Thu 05:24> <2017-11-03 Fri 05:28> 1 days 00:03 y  
78 d <2017-11-03 Fri 05:28> <2017-11-03 Fri 20:45> 0 days 15:17 y  
79 d <2017-11-03 Fri 20:46> <2017-11-05 Sun 00:09> 1 days 03:22 y  
80 d <2017-11-05 Sun 00:09> <2017-11-05 Sun 23:50> 0 days 23:40 y  
81 d <2017-11-05 Sun 23:54> <2017-11-07 Tue 00:00> 1 days 00:06 y  
82 d <2017-11-07 Tue 00:01> <2017-11-08 Wed 15:58> 1 days 15:56 y  
83 c <2017-11-08 Wed 16:27> <2017-11-08 Wed 17:27> 0 days 00:59 y  
84 d <2017-11-08 Wed 17:49> <2017-11-09 Thu 19:01> 1 days 01:11 y  
85 d <2017-11-09 Thu 19:01> <2017-11-09 Thu 21:46> 0 days 02:45 y  
86 d <2017-11-09 Thu 21:47> <2017-11-11 Sat 02:17> 1 days 04:29 y  
87 d <2017-11-11 Sat 02:17> <2017-11-12 Sun 14:29> 1 days 12:11 y  
88 c <2017-11-12 Sun 14:30> <2017-11-12 Sun 15:30> 0 days 0:59 y  
89 d <2017-11-12 Sun 15:30> <2017-11-13 Mon 18:27> 1 days 2:57 y See note below about length
90 d <2017-11-13 Mon 19:14> <2017-11-14 Tue 20:24> 1 days 1:09 y  
91 d <2017-11-14 Tue 20:24> <2017-11-15 Wed 21:44> 1 days 1:20 y  
92 d <2017-11-15 Wed 21:45> <2017-11-17 Fri 19:18> 1 days 21:32 y No Run on <2017-11-16 Thu>
93 c <2017-11-17 Fri 19:18> <2017-11-17 Fri 20:18> 0 days 1:00 y  
94 d <2017-11-17 Fri 20:48> <2017-11-19 Sun 02:34> 1 days 5:46 y  
95 d <2017-11-19 Sun 02:35> <2017-11-23 Thu 10:41> 4 days 8:06 y Beginning of GRID
96 c <2017-11-23 Thu 10:42> <2017-11-23 Thu 17:43> 0 days 7:01 y Long calibration for statistics
97 d <2017-11-23 Thu 17:43> <2017-11-26 Sun 01:41> 2 days 7:57 y ~4 min of tracking lost on 25/11, see note
98 d <2017-11-26 Sun 01:42> <2017-11-26 Sun 21:18> 0 days 19:36 y  
99 d <2017-11-26 Sun 21:18> <2017-11-28 Tue 06:46> 1 days 9:27 y  
100 d <2017-11-28 Tue 06:46> <2017-11-29 Wed 06:40> 0 days 23:53 y  
101 d <2017-11-29 Wed 06:40> <2017-11-29 Wed 20:18> 0 days 13:37 y FADC amp settings changed, see below
102 c <2017-11-29 Wed 20:19> <2017-11-29 Wed 22:19> 0 days 2:00 y  
103 d <2017-11-29 Wed 22:26> <2017-12-01 Fri 06:46> 1 days 8:19 y  
104 d <2017-12-01 Fri 06:47> <2017-12-02 Sat 06:48> 1 days 0:00 y  
105 d <2017-12-02 Sat 06:48> <2017-12-03 Sun 06:39> 0 days 23:51 y  
106 d <2017-12-03 Sun 06:40> <2017-12-04 Mon 06:54> 1 days 0:14 y  
107 d <2017-12-04 Mon 06:54> <2017-12-04 Mon 13:38> 0 days 6:44 y  
108 c <2017-12-04 Mon 13:39> <2017-12-04 Mon 17:39> 0 days 4:00 y  
109 d <2017-12-04 Mon 17:47> <2017-12-05 Tue 11:20> 0 days 17:32 y A lot of noise during this shift
110 c <2017-12-05 Tue 11:20> <2017-12-05 Tue 13:20> 0 days 1:59 y  
111 d <2017-12-05 Tue 13:23> <2017-12-05 Tue 16:17> 0 days 2:53 y gas interlock box fuse burned, early stop
112 d <2017-12-06 Wed 14:50> <2017-12-10 Sun 06:46> 3 days 15:55 y FADC: int. time: 50->100->50ns + quench
113 d <2017-12-10 Sun 06:46> <2017-12-11 Mon 06:49> 1 days 0:03 y  
114 d <2017-12-11 Mon 06:50> <2017-12-11 Mon 18:33> 0 days 11:43 y  
115 d <2017-12-11 Mon 18:36> <2017-12-12 Tue 20:58> 1 days 2:21 y  
116 c <2017-12-12 Tue 20:59> <2017-12-12 Tue 22:59> 0 days 2:00 y  
117 d <2017-12-12 Tue 23:56> <2017-12-13 Wed 21:29> 0 days 21:33 y  
118 c <2017-12-13 Wed 21:30> <2017-12-13 Wed 23:30> 0 days 2:00 y  
119 d <2017-12-14 Thu 00:07> <2017-12-14 Thu 17:04> 0 days 16:57 y  
120 c <2017-12-14 Thu 17:04> <2017-12-14 Thu 21:04> 0 days 4:00 y  
121 d <2017-12-14 Thu 21:07> <2017-12-15 Fri 19:22> 0 days 22:14 y Jochen: FADC int. time: 50->100ns, c note
122 c <2017-12-15 Fri 19:22> <2017-12-16 Sat 01:20> 0 days 5:57 y  
123 d <2017-12-16 Sat 01:21> <2017-12-17 Sun 01:06> 0 days 23:45 y  
124 d <2017-12-17 Sun 01:06> <2017-12-19 Tue 02:57> 2 days 1:50 y  
125 d <2017-12-19 Tue 02:57> <2017-12-19 Tue 16:20> 0 days 13:22 y  
126 c <2017-12-19 Tue 16:21> <2017-12-19 Tue 19:21> 0 days 2:59 y  
127 d <2017-12-19 Tue 19:27> <2017-12-22 Fri 00:17> 2 days 4:50 y  
128 c <2017-12-22 Fri 00:18> <2017-12-22 Fri 09:23> 0 days 9:05 y Final run of 2017

22.1.2. Run 1 in 2018

Run # Type {d, c} Start End Length # trackings Backup? Notes
137 d <2018-02-15 Thu 05:34> <2018-02-15 Thu 17:08> 0 days 11:34   y* WARNING: do not use, THL problems, see note!
138 c <2018-02-15 Thu 17:09> <2018-02-15 Thu 19:34> 0 days 2:24   y* Seems like gas amplification down by factor 2!
139 c <2018-02-15 Thu 20:31> <2018-02-15 Thu 21:53> 0 days 1:22   y* Central THL 450 -> 400 from here on! (if result good)
140 d <2018-02-15 Thu 21:53> <2018-02-16 Fri 17:59> 0 days 20:05   y* Running THL from Run 139.
141 x (c) <2018-02-16 Fri 18:00> <2018-02-17 Sat 13:28> 0 days 19:28   y* Calibration run over night, showcasing increasing [Power Problem]
142 x (d) <2018-02-17 Sat 14:04> <2018-02-17 Sat 16:17> 0 days 2:12   y* Background data run w/ THL 400 and problems, see [Power Problem]
143 x (c) <2018-02-17 Sat 16:18> <2018-02-17 Sat 16:26> 0 days 0:07   y* More calibration for testing
144 x (c) <2018-02-17 Sat 16:32> <2018-02-17 Sat 17:18> 0 days 0:45   y* Calibration run in which [Power Problem] was fixed
145 c <2018-02-17 Sat 17:18> <2018-02-17 Sat 20:40> 0 days 3:22   y Proper calibration run w/ THL = 450 and fixed [Power Problem]
146 d <2018-02-17 Sat 20:41> <2018-02-18 Sun 18:12> 0 days 21:30   y First good shift after power supply problem
147 c <2018-02-18 Sun 18:12> <2018-02-18 Sun 20:12> 0 days 1:59   y Calibration run
148 d <2018-02-18 Sun 20:46> <2018-02-19 Mon 17:24> 0 days 20:37   y  
149 c <2018-02-19 Mon 17:25> <2018-02-19 Mon 19:25> 0 days 2:00   y  
150 d <2018-02-19 Mon 19:53> <2018-02-20 Tue 17:36> 0 days 21:42   y  
151 c <2018-02-20 Tue 17:36> <2018-02-20 Tue 19:36> 0 days 1:59   y  
152 d <2018-02-20 Tue 21:54> <2018-02-21 Wed 18:05> 0 days 20:10   y  
153 c <2018-02-21 Wed 18:05> <2018-02-21 Wed 20:05> 0 days 1:59   y  
154 d <2018-02-21 Wed 21:10> <2018-02-22 Thu 17:23> 0 days 20:12   y  
155 c <2018-02-22 Thu 17:23> <2018-02-22 Thu 19:23> 0 days 1:59   y  
156 d <2018-02-23 Fri 06:06> <2018-02-23 Fri 17:41> 0 days 11:35   y  
157 c <2018-02-23 Fri 17:41> <2018-02-23 Fri 19:41> 0 days 1:59   y  
158 d <2018-02-23 Fri 19:42> <2018-02-26 Mon 08:46> 2 days 13:03   y  
159 c <2018-02-26 Mon 08:46> <2018-02-26 Mon 12:46> 0 days 4:00   y  
160 d <2018-02-26 Mon 14:56> <2018-03-01 Thu 10:24> 2 days 19:28   y  
161 c <2018-03-01 Thu 10:26> <2018-03-01 Thu 14:26> 0 days 4:00   y  
162 d <2018-03-01 Thu 17:07> <2018-03-04 Sun 20:16> 3 days 3:08   y  
163 c <2018-03-04 Sun 20:17> <2018-03-04 Sun 22:17> 0 days 2:00   y  
164 d <2018-03-04 Sun 22:57> <2018-03-06 Tue 19:15> 1 days 20:18   y  
165 c <2018-03-06 Tue 19:15> <2018-03-06 Tue 23:15> 0 days 4:00   y  
166 d <2018-03-07 Wed 00:50> <2018-03-07 Wed 18:28> 0 days 17:38   y  
167 c <2018-03-07 Wed 18:29> <2018-03-07 Wed 20:29> 0 days 2:00   y  
168 d <2018-03-07 Wed 20:37> <2018-03-13 Tue 16:54> 5 days 20:16   y  
169 c <2018-03-13 Tue 16:55> <2018-03-13 Tue 22:55> 0 days 6:00   y  
170 d <2018-03-13 Tue 23:19> <2018-03-14 Wed 21:01> 0 days 21:42 1 y First shift including sun tracking
171 c <2018-03-14 Wed 21:01> <2018-03-14 Wed 23:01> 0 days 2:00   y  
172 d <2018-03-14 Wed 23:06> <2018-03-15 Thu 17:57> 0 days 18:50 1 y  
173 c <2018-03-15 Thu 17:59> <2018-03-15 Thu 19:59> 0 days 1:59   y  
174 d <2018-03-15 Thu 20:39> <2018-03-16 Fri 16:27> 0 days 19:48 1 y  
175 c <2018-03-16 Fri 16:28> <2018-03-16 Fri 18:28> 0 days 1:59   y  
176 d <2018-03-16 Fri 18:35> <2018-03-17 Sat 20:55> 1 days 2:19 1 y  
177 c <2018-03-17 Sat 20:55> <2018-03-17 Sat 22:55> 0 days 1:59   y  
178 d <2018-03-17 Sat 23:31> <2018-03-22 Thu 17:40> 4 days 18:09 5 y  
179 c <2018-03-22 Thu 17:41> <2018-03-22 Thu 19:41> 0 days 1:59   y  
180 d <2018-03-22 Thu 20:47> <2018-03-24 Sat 18:10> 1 days 21:22 2 y  
181 c <2018-03-24 Sat 18:10> <2018-03-24 Sat 22:10> 0 days 4:00   y  
182 d <2018-03-24 Sat 23:32> <2018-03-26 Mon 19:46> 1 days 19:14 2 y Last run including tracking
183 c <2018-03-26 Mon 19:47> <2018-03-26 Mon 23:47> 0 days 3:59   y  
184 d <2018-03-27 Tue 00:32> <2018-03-30 Fri 14:18> 3 days 13:45   y  
185 c <2018-03-30 Fri 14:18> <2018-03-30 Fri 18:18> 0 days 3:59   y  
186 d <2018-03-30 Fri 19:03> <2018-04-11 Wed 16:03> 11 days 21:00   y  
187 c <2018-04-11 Wed 16:04> <2018-04-11 Wed 20:04> 0 days 4:00   y  
188 d <2018-04-11 Wed 20:53> <2018-04-17 Tue 10:53> 5 days 14:00   y Last background data run of 2017/18
189 X* <2018-04-20 Fri 09:53> <2018-04-21 Sat 18:39> 1 days 08:45   y X-ray finger run <2018-04-20 Fri>

y* = located in 2018/BadRuns folder to not mix up with 'good' data X* = X-ray finger run

22.1.3. Run 2 in 2018

Data taking for the second data taking period starts on <2018-10-20 Sat 18:33> with a 2h calibration run after the detector was finally fixed on <2018-10-19 Fri>. The issue was a bad soldering joint on the Phoenix connector on the intermediate board.

Run # Type {d, c} Start End Length # trackings Backup? Notes
239 c     0 days 02:00      
240 d       1   no B field!
297 d           crazy noise at the end
298 d           run without FADC
Run # Type DataType Start End Length # trackings # frames # FADC Backup? Backup? Notes
239 rtCalibration rfNewTos <1970-01-01 Thu 01:00> <1970-01-01 Thu 01:00> 0 days 02:00   0 0 y  
240 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-10-21 Sun 14:54> <2018-10-22 Mon 16:15> 1 days 01:21   38753 4203 y  
239 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-10-20 Sat 18:31> <2018-10-20 Sat 20:31> 0 days 02:00   9565 9518 y  
240 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-10-21 Sun 14:54> <2018-10-22 Mon 16:15> 1 days 01:21   38753 4203 y  
239 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-10-20 Sat 18:31> <2018-10-20 Sat 20:31> 0 days 02:00   9565 9518 y  
240 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-10-21 Sun 14:54> <2018-10-22 Mon 16:15> 1 days 01:21   38753 4203 y  
239 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-10-20 Sat 18:31> <2018-10-20 Sat 20:31> 0 days 02:00   9565 9518 y  
240 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-10-21 Sun 14:54> <2018-10-22 Mon 16:15> 1 days 01:21   38753 4203 y  
241 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-10-22 Mon 16:16> <2018-10-22 Mon 18:16> 0 days 02:00   9480 9426 y  
242 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-10-22 Mon 18:44> <2018-10-23 Tue 22:08> 1 days 03:24   41933 4843 y  
243 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-10-23 Tue 22:09> <2018-10-24 Wed 00:09> 0 days 01:59   9488 9429 y  
244 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-10-24 Wed 00:32> <2018-10-24 Wed 19:24> 0 days 18:52   28870 3317 y  
245 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-10-24 Wed 19:25> <2018-10-24 Wed 21:25> 0 days 01:59   9573 9530 y  
246 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-10-24 Wed 21:59> <2018-10-25 Thu 16:18> 0 days 18:18   27970 2987 y  
247 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-10-25 Thu 16:19> <2018-10-25 Thu 18:19> 0 days 01:59   9389 9334 y  
248 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-10-25 Thu 18:25> <2018-10-26 Fri 22:29> 1 days 04:04   42871 4544 y  
249 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-10-26 Fri 22:30> <2018-10-27 Sat 00:30> 0 days 02:00   9473 9431 y  
250 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-10-27 Sat 01:31> <2018-10-27 Sat 22:26> 0 days 20:54   31961 3552 y  
251 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-10-27 Sat 22:26> <2018-10-28 Sun 00:26> 0 days 01:59   9551 9503 y  
252 rtNone rfNewTos <2018-10-28 Sun 00:59> <2018-10-28 Sun 02:20> 0 days 01:20   2060 214 y  
253 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-10-28 Sun 19:18> <2018-10-28 Sun 21:39> 0 days 02:20   11095 11028 y  
254 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-10-28 Sun 21:40> <2018-10-29 Mon 23:03> 1 days 01:23   38991 4990 y  
255 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-10-29 Mon 23:03> <2018-10-30 Tue 01:03> 0 days 02:00   9378 9330 y  
256 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-10-30 Tue 01:49> <2018-10-31 Wed 22:18> 1 days 20:29   68315 8769 y  
257 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-10-31 Wed 22:19> <2018-11-01 Thu 00:19> 0 days 01:59   9648 9592 y  
258 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-11-01 Thu 00:20> <2018-11-01 Thu 16:15> 0 days 15:55   24454 3103 y  
259 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-11-01 Thu 16:16> <2018-11-01 Thu 17:31> 0 days 01:14   5900 5864 y  
260 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-11-01 Thu 17:39> <2018-11-01 Thu 19:09> 0 days 01:30   7281 7251 y  
261 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-11-01 Thu 19:39> <2018-11-04 Sun 15:23> 2 days 19:43   103658 12126 y  
262 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-11-04 Sun 15:24> <2018-11-04 Sun 21:24> 0 days 05:59   28810 28681 y  
263 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-11-05 Mon 00:35> <2018-11-05 Mon 20:28> 0 days 19:52   30428 3610 y  
264 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-11-05 Mon 20:28> <2018-11-05 Mon 22:28> 0 days 01:59   9595 9544 y  
265 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-11-05 Mon 22:52> <2018-11-07 Wed 22:14> 1 days 23:21   72514 8429 y  
266 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-11-07 Wed 22:14> <2018-11-08 Thu 00:14> 0 days 01:59   9555 9506 y  
267 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-11-08 Thu 02:05> <2018-11-08 Thu 06:54> 0 days 04:48   7405 930 y  
268 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-11-09 Fri 06:15> <2018-11-09 Fri 17:20> 0 days 11:04   16947 1974 y  
269 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-11-09 Fri 17:20> <2018-11-09 Fri 21:20> 0 days 04:00   19382 19302 y  
270 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-11-09 Fri 21:27> <2018-11-11 Sun 21:02> 1 days 23:34   72756 8078 y  
271 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-11-11 Sun 21:03> <2018-11-11 Sun 23:46> 0 days 02:43   13015 12944 y  
272 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-11-12 Mon 00:09> <2018-11-14 Wed 19:07> 2 days 18:58   102360 11336 y  
273 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-11-14 Wed 19:08> <2018-11-14 Wed 21:08> 0 days 01:59   9535 9471 y  
274 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-11-14 Wed 21:28> <2018-11-17 Sat 18:14> 2 days 20:45   105187 12101 y  
275 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-11-17 Sat 18:14> <2018-11-17 Sat 20:57> 0 days 02:43   13179 13116 y  
276 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-11-17 Sat 22:08> <2018-11-22 Thu 02:26> 4 days 04:17   153954 19640 y  
277 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-11-22 Thu 02:26> <2018-11-22 Thu 16:14> 0 days 13:48   66052 65749 y  
278 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-11-22 Thu 16:14> <2018-11-23 Fri 10:51> 0 days 18:36   28899 3581 y  
279 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-11-24 Sat 10:51> <2018-11-26 Mon 14:58> 2 days 04:07   79848 9677 y  
280 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-11-26 Mon 14:59> <2018-11-26 Mon 18:59> 0 days 04:00   19189 19112 y  
281 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-11-26 Mon 19:02> <2018-11-28 Wed 18:07> 1 days 23:04   72230 8860 y  
282 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-11-28 Wed 18:07> <2018-11-28 Wed 20:51> 0 days 02:43   12924 12860 y  
283 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-11-28 Wed 22:31> <2018-12-01 Sat 14:38> 2 days 16:07   98246 11965 y  
284 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-12-01 Sat 14:39> <2018-12-01 Sat 18:39> 0 days 03:59   19017 18904 y  
285 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-12-01 Sat 19:06> <2018-12-03 Mon 19:39> 2 days 00:33   74431 8888 y  
286 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-12-04 Tue 15:57> <2018-12-04 Tue 17:57> 0 days 02:00   9766 9715 y  
287 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-12-04 Tue 19:07> <2018-12-05 Wed 15:08> 0 days 20:01   30622 3395 y  
288 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-12-05 Wed 17:28> <2018-12-05 Wed 19:28> 0 days 02:00   9495 9443 y  
289 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-12-05 Wed 23:07> <2018-12-06 Thu 19:11> 0 days 20:03   30629 3269 y  
290 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-12-06 Thu 19:11> <2018-12-06 Thu 21:11> 0 days 02:00   9457 9394 y  
291 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-12-06 Thu 23:14> <2018-12-08 Sat 13:39> 1 days 14:24   58602 6133 y  
292 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-12-08 Sat 13:39> <2018-12-08 Sat 15:39> 0 days 02:00   9475 9426 y  
293 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-12-08 Sat 17:42> <2018-12-10 Mon 21:50> 2 days 04:07   79677 8850 y  
294 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-12-10 Mon 21:50> <2018-12-10 Mon 23:50> 0 days 02:00   9514 9467 y  
295 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-12-11 Tue 00:54> <2018-12-11 Tue 20:31> 0 days 19:37   29981 3271 y  
296 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-12-11 Tue 20:31> <2018-12-11 Tue 22:31> 0 days 02:00   9565 9517 y  
297 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-12-12 Wed 00:14> <2018-12-13 Thu 18:30> 1 days 18:15   68124 12530 y  
298 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-12-13 Thu 18:39> <2018-12-15 Sat 06:41> 1 days 12:01   53497 0 y  
299 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-12-15 Sat 06:43> <2018-12-15 Sat 18:13> 0 days 11:29   17061 0 y  
300 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-12-15 Sat 18:38> <2018-12-15 Sat 20:38> 0 days 02:00   9466 9415 y  
301 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-12-15 Sat 21:34> <2018-12-17 Mon 14:17> 1 days 16:43   62454 7751 y  
302 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-12-17 Mon 14:18> <2018-12-17 Mon 16:18> 0 days 01:59   9616 9577 y  
303 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-12-17 Mon 16:52> <2018-12-18 Tue 16:41> 0 days 23:48   36583 4571 y  
304 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-12-19 Wed 09:33> <2018-12-19 Wed 11:33> 0 days 01:59   9531 9465 y  
305 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-12-19 Wed 13:24> <2018-12-20 Thu 03:23> 0 days 13:58   32655 25702 y*  
306 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-12-20 Thu 06:55> <2018-12-20 Thu 11:53> 0 days 04:58   7574 496 y  

NOTE: Run 305 is considered a bad run now! See ./../org/Doc/StatusAndProgress.html for more information. It is not a calibration run. Probably it's just a background run, but the confusion makes me not want to trust it!

y* = located in 2018/BadRuns folder to not mix up with 'good' data X* = X-ray finger run

X-ray finger runs are apparently number 21 (old before data taking??) and then 189 at the end of the 2017/18 data taking in Apr 2018. See ./analysis.html for reference to run 21.

22.1.4. Total run time

After Run 96:

  • Currently 23.85625 days (552.5 hours) of data taking (raw, beginning to end)

    • of that were 10 hours calibration
    • 17 shifts a 90 minutes => 25.5 hours

    => - 517 hours background

    • 10 hours calibration
    • 25.5 hours tracking

After Run 116 (since excl. 96):

  • another 449.95 hours of data taking
    • of that were 16 shifts => ~24 hours tracking
    • 10 hours of calibration

=> - 417.95 hours of background

  • 24 hours of tracking
  • 10 hours of calibration

Combined so far:

  • background: 934.95 h
  • tracking: 49.5 h
  • calibration: 20 h

Up to incl. 128 (since excl. 116):

  • 4 days, 100 hours, 271 minutes background
  • 200.5 hours of background + tracking
  • 8 shifts since run 117 incl = 12 hours
  • calibration: 22 hours

=> - 188 h background

  • 12 h tracking
  • 22 h calibration

Combined Runs 2017:

  • background: 1123 h
  • tracking: 61.5 h
  • calibration: 42 h

Run time 2018 from run 145 to run 167:

  • total time: 8 days + 211 hours + 578 minutes = 17 days + 4 hours + 38 minutes
  • background + tracking: 15 days + 5 hours + 3.5 minutes ~ 365 h
  • background (90 minutes tracking): 342.5 h
  • tracking: 22.5 h
  • calibration: 31 hours + 17 minutes ~ 31.5 h

Run time 2018 from run 168 to Run 187:

  • background + tracking: 26 days + 172 hours + 265 minutes = 33 days + 8 hours + 25 minutes ~ 800.5 h
  • # trackings: 13
  • background: 781 h
  • tracking: 19.5 h
  • calibration: 32 hours

Total time of Run 2017 / 2018: background: 2288 h tracking: 103.5 h calibration: 105.5 h

22.2. Data runs

This section covers the data runs, which took place.

The runs, unless otherwise stated, are using the FSR files as in the Septem H calibration Git repo in the folder fsrinuse. These are the THL values, which were obtained during calibration, but have THL+50 for chips 1, 2, 5 and 6. The HV values are the ones documented in the detector documentation ./Doc/Detector/CastDetectorDocumentation.html (as of <2017-11-09 Thu 19:05>).








NOTE: this was the first run with the correct SiPM HV setting of \(\SI{65.6}{\volt}\) .//ssh:tpc@tpc00:/volume1/cast/data/2017_CAST-Run/DataRuns/Run_84_171108-17-49.tar.gz

NOTE: this run was stopped early to fix the src/waitconditions.cpp bug, mentioned in the note below. .//ssh:tpc@tpc00:/volume1/cast/data/2017_CAST-Run/DataRuns/Run_85_171109-19-01.tar.gz

NOTE: VERY IMPORTANT In all runs above, there was a bug in src/waitconditions.cpp, which cause the FADC and scintillator values to be written the all subsequent files, from an event in which the FADC triggered until the next (in case of non-subsequent FADC events). Therefore: for analysis, we need to take into account

  • fadcReadout == 1.

Otherwise we read random scintillator trigger values as well as FADC trigger clock cycles.

All runs below are without the aforementioned error.



NOTE: During Run 89 the byobu buffer containing TOS got stuck on <2017-11-12 Sun 19:35> due to <F7> being pressed (which eventually pauses the thread). Was called by Cristian at <2017-11-13 Mon 05:55> roughly. I fixed the issue. Therefore the length given in the table is misleading, as it does not show the actual time of data taking of that run.






NOTE: The following run contains the beginning (and most of it) of the GRID measurement. It only contains a single tracking, that's why the run is so long.


NOTE: Regarding Run 97, morning shift on 25/11/17, from the elog:

Remarks: At approx. 7:02 there was an error message in the Slow
Control program indicating that some file could not be saved because
there was not enough memory. After about a minute, the Slow Control PC
restarted by itself. At about the same time, an error message appeared
in the Tracking program, probably related to the fact that it could
not communicate with the Slow Control program in order to read
proximity sensor data. After the restart of the Slow control PC and
Slow control program, things went back to normal. Because of all that,
we lost first 3-4 minutes of tracking

NOTE: Still need to add links to previous runs (97, 98, 99)

NOTE: Regarding Run 101: Because of pretty bad noise during the run, I decided to play around with the main amplifier of the analogue signal. I changed the settings as followed:

  • Diff: 50 ns -> 20 ns (one to left)
  • Coarse gain: 6x -> 10x (one to right)

this got rid of (almost ?) all of the noise. However, obviously this changes the FADC data completely. The shapes are slightly altered (a little steeper)

NOTE: Regarding Run 109: CRAZY amounts of noise during that run. Interestingly, the only difference between the previous runs from what I can tell (although I wasn't present in the shift), was that the main light in the LHCb part of the hall was turned on. Maybe this causes the electricity circuit to be working under high load, producing a lot more noise? Will keep an eye on this.

NOTE: Regarding Run 111: Was stopped early, because I tried to debug the noise and in doing so burned a fuse in the gas interlock box by connecting the NIM crate to a wrong power cable. -> no shift on 6/12/17, background data being taken again since <2017-12-06 Wed 14:55>.

NOTE: Regarding Run 112: Another change of FADC settings due to crazy amounts of noise. Changed integration time from:

  • 50ns -> 100ns

gets rid of all noise for now. However, shapes are much smoother than before, might make differentiation much harder later. This was done at around <2017-12-07 Thu 08:00> Also: The power cable from the main amplifier to the pre amplifier was not properly inserted. Did that before changing the settings, seeemed to help, but noise eventually returned.

NOTE: Regarding Run 112 and previous note: Turned down integration time from 100ns to 50ns again at around <2017-12-08 Fri 17:50>.

NOTE: Regarding Run 112: Run is so long, because after problems with fuse, had quench on <2017-12-07 Thu 18:31>.

NOTE: Regarding Run 121: Jochen set the FADC main amplifier integration time from 50 to 100 ns again. Happened at around <2017-12-15 Fri 10:20>. Maybe 5 min later.

22.2.1. Notes 2018

After Run 137 (first run of 2018) I did a calibration run only to notice that we didn't recover 220 electrons anymore, but rather 110. THLscan revealed that indeed the THL values of the central chips (and potentially all others) changed.

Previously we used: Chip #: 3 THL: 450

Now a value of: THL: 400

produces no noise, if run without source on 2.4s frames, and recovers all electrons again, it seems.

  • Calibration Run 138 uses THL 450
  • Calibration Run 139 uses THL 400

Change is reflected in CAST calibration Git repository, in fsrasused folder! Power Problem

Problem due to power supply, causing what looked like changes to the thresholds of all chips.

See the following mail for a short explanation: ./Mails/cast_power_supply_problem_thlshift/power_supply_problem.html Run 297 and 298

There was some pretty crazy noise in run 297 (see Sergios video on WhatsApp), so I disabled the FADC on <2018-12-13 Thu 18:40> for Run 298, since I'm heading down to CERN on <2018-12-14 Fri>.

22.4. Automatically generated run list

The following run list is created by the writeRunList tool: ./../CastData/ExternCode/TimepixAnalysis/Tools/writeRunList/writeRunList.nim based on the tracking logs.

Run # Type DataType Start End Length # trackings # frames # FADC Backup? Notes
76 rtBackground rfNewTos <2017-10-30 Mon 18:39> <2017-11-02 Thu 05:24> 2 days 10:44 1 88249 19856 y  
77 rtBackground rfNewTos <2017-11-02 Thu 05:24> <2017-11-03 Fri 05:28> 1 days 00:03 1 36074 8016 y  
78 rtBackground rfNewTos <2017-11-03 Fri 05:28> <2017-11-03 Fri 20:45> 0 days 15:17 1 23506 5988 y  
79 rtBackground rfNewTos <2017-11-03 Fri 20:46> <2017-11-05 Sun 00:09> 1 days 03:22 1 40634 8102 y  
80 rtBackground rfNewTos <2017-11-05 Sun 00:09> <2017-11-05 Sun 23:50> 0 days 23:40 1 35147 6880 y  
81 rtBackground rfNewTos <2017-11-05 Sun 23:54> <2017-11-07 Tue 00:00> 1 days 00:06 1 35856 7283 y  
82 rtBackground rfNewTos <2017-11-07 Tue 00:01> <2017-11-08 Wed 15:58> 1 days 15:56 2 59502 12272 y  
83 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2017-11-08 Wed 16:27> <2017-11-08 Wed 17:27> 0 days 00:59 0 4915 4897 y  
84 rtBackground rfNewTos <2017-11-08 Wed 17:49> <2017-11-09 Thu 19:01> 1 days 01:11 1 37391 7551 y  
85 rtBackground rfNewTos <2017-11-09 Thu 19:01> <2017-11-09 Thu 21:46> 0 days 02:45 0 4104 899 y  
86 rtBackground rfNewTos <2017-11-09 Thu 21:47> <2017-11-11 Sat 02:17> 1 days 04:29 1 42396 9656 y  
87 rtBackground rfNewTos <2017-11-11 Sat 02:17> <2017-11-12 Sun 14:29> 1 days 12:11 2 54786 15123 y  
88 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2017-11-12 Sun 14:30> <2017-11-12 Sun 15:30> 0 days 00:59 0 4943 4934 y  
89 rtBackground rfNewTos <2017-11-12 Sun 15:30> <2017-11-13 Mon 18:27> 1 days 02:57 1 25209 6210 y  
90 rtBackground rfNewTos <2017-11-13 Mon 19:14> <2017-11-14 Tue 20:24> 1 days 01:09 1 37497 8122 y  
91 rtBackground rfNewTos <2017-11-14 Tue 20:24> <2017-11-15 Wed 21:44> 1 days 01:20 1 37732 8108 y  
92 rtBackground rfNewTos <2017-11-15 Wed 21:45> <2017-11-17 Fri 19:18> 1 days 21:32 1 67946 14730 y  
93 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2017-11-17 Fri 19:18> <2017-11-17 Fri 20:18> 0 days 01:00 0 4977 4968 y  
94 rtBackground rfNewTos <2017-11-17 Fri 20:48> <2017-11-19 Sun 02:34> 1 days 05:46 1 44344 9422 y  
95 rtBackground rfNewTos <2017-11-19 Sun 02:35> <2017-11-23 Thu 10:41> 4 days 08:06 1 154959 33112 y  
96 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2017-11-23 Thu 10:42> <2017-11-23 Thu 17:43> 0 days 07:01 0 34586 34496 y  
97 rtBackground rfNewTos <2017-11-23 Thu 17:43> <2017-11-26 Sun 01:41> 2 days 07:57 1 83404 18277 y  
98 rtBackground rfNewTos <2017-11-26 Sun 01:42> <2017-11-26 Sun 21:18> 0 days 19:36 1 29202 6285 y  
99 rtBackground rfNewTos <2017-11-26 Sun 21:18> <2017-11-28 Tue 06:46> 1 days 09:27 1 49921 10895 y  
100 rtBackground rfNewTos <2017-11-28 Tue 06:46> <2017-11-29 Wed 06:40> 0 days 23:53 1 35658 7841 y  
101 rtBackground rfNewTos <2017-11-29 Wed 06:40> <2017-11-29 Wed 20:18> 0 days 13:37 1 20326 4203 y  
102 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2017-11-29 Wed 20:19> <2017-11-29 Wed 22:19> 0 days 02:00 0 9919 9898 y  
103 rtBackground rfNewTos <2017-11-29 Wed 22:26> <2017-12-01 Fri 06:46> 1 days 08:19 1 47381 7867 y  
104 rtBackground rfNewTos <2017-12-01 Fri 06:47> <2017-12-02 Sat 06:48> 1 days 00:00 1 35220 5866 y  
105 rtBackground rfNewTos <2017-12-02 Sat 06:48> <2017-12-03 Sun 06:39> 0 days 23:51 1 34918 5794 y  
106 rtBackground rfNewTos <2017-12-03 Sun 06:40> <2017-12-04 Mon 06:54> 1 days 00:14 1 35576 6018 y  
107 rtBackground rfNewTos <2017-12-04 Mon 06:54> <2017-12-04 Mon 13:38> 0 days 06:44 1 9883 1641 y  
108 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2017-12-04 Mon 13:39> <2017-12-04 Mon 17:39> 0 days 04:00 0 19503 19448 y  
109 rtBackground rfNewTos <2017-12-04 Mon 17:47> <2017-12-05 Tue 11:20> 0 days 17:32 1 28402 8217 y  
110 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2017-12-05 Tue 11:20> <2017-12-05 Tue 13:20> 0 days 01:59 0 9804 9786 y  
111 rtBackground rfNewTos <2017-12-05 Tue 13:23> <2017-12-05 Tue 16:17> 0 days 02:53 0 4244 644 y  
112 rtBackground rfNewTos <2017-12-06 Wed 14:50> <2017-12-10 Sun 06:46> 3 days 15:55 2 128931 19607 y  
113 rtBackground rfNewTos <2017-12-10 Sun 06:46> <2017-12-11 Mon 06:49> 1 days 00:03 1 35100 5174 y  
114 rtBackground rfNewTos <2017-12-11 Mon 06:50> <2017-12-11 Mon 18:33> 0 days 11:43 1 17111 2542 y  
115 rtBackground rfNewTos <2017-12-11 Mon 18:36> <2017-12-12 Tue 20:58> 1 days 02:21 1 40574 9409 y  
116 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2017-12-12 Tue 20:59> <2017-12-12 Tue 22:59> 0 days 02:00 0 9741 9724 y  
117 rtBackground rfNewTos <2017-12-12 Tue 23:56> <2017-12-13 Wed 21:29> 0 days 21:33 1 31885 5599 y  
118 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2017-12-13 Wed 21:30> <2017-12-13 Wed 23:30> 0 days 02:00 0 9771 9748 y  
119 rtBackground rfNewTos <2017-12-14 Thu 00:07> <2017-12-14 Thu 17:04> 0 days 16:57 1 25434 4903 y  
120 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2017-12-14 Thu 17:04> <2017-12-14 Thu 21:04> 0 days 04:00 0 19308 19261 y  
121 rtBackground rfNewTos <2017-12-14 Thu 21:07> <2017-12-15 Fri 19:22> 0 days 22:14 1 33901 6947 y  
122 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2017-12-15 Fri 19:22> <2017-12-16 Sat 01:20> 0 days 05:57 0 29279 29208 y  
123 rtBackground rfNewTos <2017-12-16 Sat 01:21> <2017-12-17 Sun 01:06> 0 days 23:45 1 34107 3380 y  
124 rtBackground rfNewTos <2017-12-17 Sun 01:06> <2017-12-19 Tue 02:57> 2 days 01:50 2 71703 7504 y  
125 rtBackground rfNewTos <2017-12-19 Tue 02:57> <2017-12-19 Tue 16:20> 0 days 13:22 1 19262 1991 y  
126 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2017-12-19 Tue 16:21> <2017-12-19 Tue 19:21> 0 days 02:59 0 14729 14689 y  
127 rtBackground rfNewTos <2017-12-19 Tue 19:27> <2017-12-22 Fri 00:17> 2 days 04:50 1 75907 7663 y  
128 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2017-12-22 Fri 00:18> <2017-12-22 Fri 09:23> 0 days 09:05 0 44806 44709 y  
145 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-02-17 Sat 17:18> <2018-02-17 Sat 20:40> 0 days 03:22 0 16797 16796 y  
146 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-02-17 Sat 20:41> <2018-02-18 Sun 18:12> 0 days 21:30 1 32705 3054 y  
147 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-02-18 Sun 18:12> <2018-02-18 Sun 20:12> 0 days 01:59 0 10102 10102 y  
148 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-02-18 Sun 20:46> <2018-02-19 Mon 17:24> 0 days 20:37 1 31433 3120 y  
149 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-02-19 Mon 17:25> <2018-02-19 Mon 19:25> 0 days 02:00 0 9975 9975 y  
150 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-02-19 Mon 19:53> <2018-02-20 Tue 17:36> 0 days 21:42 1 33192 3546 y  
151 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-02-20 Tue 17:36> <2018-02-20 Tue 19:36> 0 days 01:59 0 9907 9907 y  
152 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-02-20 Tue 21:54> <2018-02-21 Wed 18:05> 0 days 20:10 1 30809 3319 y  
153 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-02-21 Wed 18:05> <2018-02-21 Wed 20:05> 0 days 01:59 0 10103 10102 y  
154 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-02-21 Wed 21:10> <2018-02-22 Thu 17:23> 0 days 20:12 1 30891 3426 y  
155 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-02-22 Thu 17:23> <2018-02-22 Thu 19:23> 0 days 02:00 0 9861 9861 y  
156 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-02-23 Fri 06:06> <2018-02-23 Fri 17:41> 0 days 11:35 1 17686 1866 y  
157 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-02-23 Fri 17:41> <2018-02-23 Fri 19:41> 0 days 01:59 0 9962 9962 y  
158 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-02-23 Fri 19:42> <2018-02-26 Mon 08:46> 2 days 13:03 1 93205 9893 y  
159 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-02-26 Mon 08:46> <2018-02-26 Mon 12:46> 0 days 04:00 0 19879 19878 y  
160 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-02-26 Mon 14:56> <2018-03-01 Thu 10:24> 2 days 19:28 1 103145 11415 y  
161 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-03-01 Thu 10:26> <2018-03-01 Thu 14:26> 0 days 04:00 0 19944 19943 y  
162 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-03-01 Thu 17:07> <2018-03-04 Sun 20:16> 3 days 03:08 3 114590 11897 y  
163 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-03-04 Sun 20:17> <2018-03-04 Sun 22:17> 0 days 02:00 0 10093 10093 y  
164 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-03-04 Sun 22:57> <2018-03-06 Tue 19:15> 1 days 20:18 2 67456 6488 y  
165 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-03-06 Tue 19:15> <2018-03-06 Tue 23:15> 0 days 04:00 0 19882 19879 y  
166 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-03-07 Wed 00:50> <2018-03-07 Wed 18:28> 0 days 17:38 1 26859 2565 y  
167 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-03-07 Wed 18:29> <2018-03-07 Wed 20:29> 0 days 02:00 0 9938 9938 y  
168 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-03-07 Wed 20:37> <2018-03-13 Tue 16:54> 5 days 20:16 0 213545 20669 y  
169 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-03-13 Tue 16:55> <2018-03-13 Tue 22:55> 0 days 06:00 0 29874 29874 y  
170 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-03-13 Tue 23:19> <2018-03-14 Wed 21:01> 0 days 21:42 1 33098 3269 y  
171 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-03-14 Wed 21:01> <2018-03-14 Wed 23:01> 0 days 02:00 0 9999 9999 y  
172 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-03-14 Wed 23:06> <2018-03-15 Thu 17:57> 0 days 18:50 1 28649 2773 y  
173 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-03-15 Thu 17:59> <2018-03-15 Thu 19:59> 0 days 01:59 0 9898 9897 y  
174 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-03-15 Thu 20:39> <2018-03-16 Fri 16:27> 0 days 19:48 1 30163 2961 y  
175 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-03-16 Fri 16:28> <2018-03-16 Fri 18:28> 0 days 01:59 0 10075 10075 y  
176 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-03-16 Fri 18:35> <2018-03-17 Sat 20:55> 1 days 02:19 1 40084 3815 y  
177 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-03-17 Sat 20:55> <2018-03-17 Sat 22:55> 0 days 01:59 0 9967 9966 y  
178 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-03-17 Sat 23:31> <2018-03-22 Thu 17:40> 4 days 18:09 5 174074 17949 y  
179 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-03-22 Thu 17:41> <2018-03-22 Thu 19:41> 0 days 01:59 0 9887 9887 y  
180 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-03-22 Thu 20:47> <2018-03-24 Sat 18:10> 1 days 21:22 1 69224 7423 y  
181 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-03-24 Sat 18:10> <2018-03-24 Sat 22:10> 0 days 04:00 0 20037 20036 y  
182 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-03-24 Sat 23:32> <2018-03-26 Mon 19:46> 1 days 19:14 2 65888 6694 y  
183 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-03-26 Mon 19:47> <2018-03-26 Mon 23:47> 0 days 03:59 0 20026 20026 y  
184 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-03-27 Tue 00:32> <2018-03-30 Fri 14:18> 3 days 13:45 0 130576 12883 y  
185 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-03-30 Fri 14:18> <2018-03-30 Fri 18:18> 0 days 03:59 0 19901 19901 y  
186 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-03-30 Fri 19:03> <2018-04-11 Wed 16:03> 11 days 21:00 0 434087 42830 y  
187 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-04-11 Wed 16:04> <2018-04-11 Wed 20:04> 0 days 04:00 0 19667 19665 y  
188 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-04-11 Wed 20:53> <2018-04-17 Tue 10:53> 5 days 14:00 0 204281 20781 y  
239 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-10-20 Sat 18:31> <2018-10-20 Sat 20:31> 0 days 02:00 0 9565 9518 y  
240 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-10-21 Sun 14:54> <2018-10-22 Mon 16:15> 1 days 01:21 1 38753 4203 y  
241 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-10-22 Mon 16:16> <2018-10-22 Mon 18:16> 0 days 02:00 0 9480 9426 y  
242 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-10-22 Mon 18:44> <2018-10-23 Tue 22:08> 1 days 03:24 1 41933 4843 y  
243 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-10-23 Tue 22:09> <2018-10-24 Wed 00:09> 0 days 01:59 0 9488 9429 y  
244 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-10-24 Wed 00:32> <2018-10-24 Wed 19:24> 0 days 18:52 1 28870 3317 y  
245 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-10-24 Wed 19:25> <2018-10-24 Wed 21:25> 0 days 01:59 0 9573 9530 y  
246 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-10-24 Wed 21:59> <2018-10-25 Thu 16:18> 0 days 18:18 1 27970 2987 y  
247 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-10-25 Thu 16:19> <2018-10-25 Thu 18:19> 0 days 01:59 0 9389 9334 y  
248 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-10-25 Thu 18:25> <2018-10-26 Fri 22:29> 1 days 04:04 1 42871 4544 y  
249 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-10-26 Fri 22:30> <2018-10-27 Sat 00:30> 0 days 02:00 0 9473 9431 y  
250 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-10-27 Sat 01:31> <2018-10-27 Sat 22:26> 0 days 20:54 1 31961 3552 y  
251 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-10-27 Sat 22:26> <2018-10-28 Sun 00:26> 0 days 01:59 0 9551 9503 y  
253 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-10-28 Sun 19:18> <2018-10-28 Sun 21:39> 0 days 02:20 0 11095 11028 y  
254 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-10-28 Sun 21:40> <2018-10-29 Mon 23:03> 1 days 01:23 1 38991 4990 y  
255 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-10-29 Mon 23:03> <2018-10-30 Tue 01:03> 0 days 02:00 0 9378 9330 y  
256 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-10-30 Tue 01:49> <2018-10-31 Wed 22:18> 1 days 20:29 1 68315 8769 y  
257 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-10-31 Wed 22:19> <2018-11-01 Thu 00:19> 0 days 01:59 0 9648 9592 y  
258 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-11-01 Thu 00:20> <2018-11-01 Thu 16:15> 0 days 15:55 1 24454 3103 y  
259 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-11-01 Thu 16:16> <2018-11-01 Thu 17:31> 0 days 01:14 0 5900 5864 y  
260 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-11-01 Thu 17:39> <2018-11-01 Thu 19:09> 0 days 01:30 0 7281 7251 y  
261 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-11-01 Thu 19:39> <2018-11-04 Sun 15:23> 2 days 19:43 3 103658 12126 y  
262 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-11-04 Sun 15:24> <2018-11-04 Sun 21:24> 0 days 05:59 0 28810 28681 y  
263 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-11-05 Mon 00:35> <2018-11-05 Mon 20:28> 0 days 19:52 1 30428 3610 y  
264 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-11-05 Mon 20:28> <2018-11-05 Mon 22:28> 0 days 01:59 0 9595 9544 y  
265 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-11-05 Mon 22:52> <2018-11-07 Wed 22:14> 1 days 23:21 1 72514 8429 y  
266 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-11-07 Wed 22:14> <2018-11-08 Thu 00:14> 0 days 01:59 0 9555 9506 y  
267 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-11-08 Thu 02:05> <2018-11-08 Thu 06:54> 0 days 04:48 0 7393 929 y  
268 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-11-09 Fri 06:15> <2018-11-09 Fri 17:20> 0 days 11:04 1 16947 1974 y  
269 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-11-09 Fri 17:20> <2018-11-09 Fri 21:20> 0 days 04:00 0 19382 19302 y  
270 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-11-09 Fri 21:27> <2018-11-11 Sun 21:02> 1 days 23:34 2 72756 8078 y  
271 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-11-11 Sun 21:03> <2018-11-11 Sun 23:46> 0 days 02:43 0 13015 12944 y  
272 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-11-12 Mon 00:09> <2018-11-14 Wed 19:07> 2 days 18:58 3 102360 11336 y  
273 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-11-14 Wed 19:08> <2018-11-14 Wed 21:08> 0 days 01:59 0 9535 9471 y  
274 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-11-14 Wed 21:28> <2018-11-17 Sat 18:14> 2 days 20:45 3 105187 12101 y  
275 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-11-17 Sat 18:14> <2018-11-17 Sat 20:57> 0 days 02:43 0 13179 13116 y  
276 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-11-17 Sat 22:08> <2018-11-22 Thu 02:26> 4 days 04:17 2 153954 19640 y  
277 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-11-22 Thu 02:26> <2018-11-22 Thu 16:14> 0 days 13:48 0 66052 65749 y  
278 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-11-22 Thu 16:14> <2018-11-23 Fri 10:51> 0 days 18:36 0 28164 3535 y  
279 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-11-24 Sat 10:51> <2018-11-26 Mon 14:58> 2 days 04:07 2 79848 9677 y  
280 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-11-26 Mon 14:59> <2018-11-26 Mon 18:59> 0 days 04:00 0 19189 19112 y  
281 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-11-26 Mon 19:02> <2018-11-28 Wed 18:07> 1 days 23:04 1 72230 8860 y  
282 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-11-28 Wed 18:07> <2018-11-28 Wed 20:51> 0 days 02:43 0 12924 12860 y  
283 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-11-28 Wed 22:31> <2018-12-01 Sat 14:38> 2 days 16:07 3 98246 11965 y  
284 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-12-01 Sat 14:39> <2018-12-01 Sat 18:39> 0 days 03:59 0 19017 18904 y  
285 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-12-01 Sat 19:06> <2018-12-03 Mon 19:39> 2 days 00:33 2 74405 8887 y  
286 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-12-04 Tue 15:57> <2018-12-04 Tue 17:57> 0 days 02:00 0 9766 9715 y  
287 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-12-04 Tue 19:07> <2018-12-05 Wed 15:08> 0 days 20:01 1 30598 3393 y  
288 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-12-05 Wed 17:28> <2018-12-05 Wed 19:28> 0 days 02:00 0 9495 9443 y  
289 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-12-05 Wed 23:07> <2018-12-06 Thu 19:11> 0 days 20:03 1 30629 3269 y  
290 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-12-06 Thu 19:11> <2018-12-06 Thu 21:11> 0 days 02:00 0 9457 9394 y  
291 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-12-06 Thu 23:14> <2018-12-08 Sat 13:39> 1 days 14:24 2 58602 6133 y  
292 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-12-08 Sat 13:39> <2018-12-08 Sat 15:39> 0 days 02:00 0 9475 9426 y  
293 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-12-08 Sat 17:42> <2018-12-10 Mon 21:50> 2 days 04:07 1 79677 8850 y  
294 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-12-10 Mon 21:50> <2018-12-10 Mon 23:50> 0 days 02:00 0 9514 9467 y  
295 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-12-11 Tue 00:54> <2018-12-11 Tue 20:31> 0 days 19:37 1 29981 3271 y  
296 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-12-11 Tue 20:31> <2018-12-11 Tue 22:31> 0 days 02:00 0 9565 9517 y  
297 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-12-12 Wed 00:14> <2018-12-13 Thu 18:30> 1 days 18:15 2 68124 12530 y  
298 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-12-13 Thu 18:39> <2018-12-15 Sat 06:41> 1 days 12:01 1 53497 0 y  
299 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-12-15 Sat 06:43> <2018-12-15 Sat 18:13> 0 days 11:29 1 17061 0 y  
300 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-12-15 Sat 18:38> <2018-12-15 Sat 20:38> 0 days 02:00 0 9466 9415 y  
301 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-12-15 Sat 21:34> <2018-12-17 Mon 14:17> 1 days 16:43 2 62454 7751 y  
302 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-12-17 Mon 14:18> <2018-12-17 Mon 16:18> 0 days 01:59 0 9616 9577 y  
303 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-12-17 Mon 16:52> <2018-12-18 Tue 16:41> 0 days 23:48 1 36583 4571 y  
304 rtCalibration rfNewTos <2018-12-19 Wed 09:33> <2018-12-19 Wed 11:33> 0 days 01:59 0 9531 9465 y  
306 rtBackground rfNewTos <2018-12-20 Thu 06:55> <2018-12-20 Thu 11:53> 0 days 04:58 1 7546 495 y  

22.5. Automatically calculated total run times

Run period 2 (= 2017/18):

Type: rtBackground
         trackingDuration: 4 days, 10 hours, and 20 seconds
         nonTrackingDuration: 14 weeks, 2 days, 1 hour, 23 minutes, and 18 seconds
Type: rtCalibration
         trackingDuration: 0 nanoseconds
         nonTrackingDuration: 4 days, 11 hours, 25 minutes, and 20 seconds

Which amounts to: Calibration data: 107.42 h Background data: 2401.40 h Tracking data: 106 h

Run period 3 (= Oct-Dec 2018):

Type: rtBackground
         trackingDuration: 3 days, 2 hours, 17 minutes, and 53 seconds
         nonTrackingDuration: 6 weeks, 4 days, 20 hours, 54 minutes, and 29 seconds
Type: rtCalibration
         trackingDuration: 0 nanoseconds
         nonTrackingDuration: 3 days, 15 hours, 3 minutes, and 45 seconds

Which amounts to: Calibration data: 87.05 h Background data: 1124.9 h Tracking data: 74.29 h

So in total: Calibration data: 194.47 h Background data: 3526.3 h Tracking data: 180.29 h

22.6. InGrid temperature from shift forms

Due to the bug in TOS that caused the temperature log files to be placed in ./TOS/log/ instead of the respective run folders, the files were overwritten periodically it seems.

The only temperature information we still have from it thus is the shift forms.

There are also pictures of every shift form in my googlo photos.

Run number Date Temp / ° Notes
76 <2017-10-17 Tue 05:00> - Not written down yet
77 <2017-11-02 Thu 05:25> 40.50  
78 <2017-11-03 Fri 05:25> 40.30  
79 <2017-11-04 Sat 05:30> 40.63  
80 <2017-11-05 Sun 05:30> 40.80  
81 <2017-11-06 Mon 06:07> 40.27  
82 <2017-11-07 Tue 06:00> 40.10  
82 <2017-11-08 Wed 05:32> - Wrote 2nd val: 22.73
84 <2017-11-09 Thu 05:33> 40.22  
86 <2017-11-10 Fri 05:32> 40.13  
87 <2017-11-11 Sat 05:36> 40.00  
87 <2017-11-12 Sun 06:07> 40.31  
89 <2017-11-13 Mon 05:40> 39.87  
90 <2017-11-14 Tue 05:40> 39.74  
91 <2017-11-15 Wed 05:35> 39.68  
92 <2017-11-17 Fri 05:36> 39.72  
94 <2017-11-18 Sat 05:38> 39.72  
95 <2017-11-19 Sun 05:44> 39.70  
97 <2017-11-25 Sat 05:52> 40.35  
98 <2017-11-26 Sun 06:28> 39.70  
99 <2017-11-27 Mon 06:25> 39.61  
100 <2017-11-28 Tue 06:35> 38.93  
101 <2017-11-29 Wed 06:35> 38.72  
103 <2017-11-30 Thu 06:32> 39.70  
104 <2017-12-01 Fri 06:42> 38.68  
105 <2017-12-02 Sat 06:40> 39.46  
106 <2017-12-03 Sun 06:36> 39.46  
107 <2017-12-04 Mon 06:50> 38.67  
109 <2017-12-05 Tue 06:35> 38.31  
112 <2017-12-07 Thu 06:45> 38.46  
112 <2017-12-09 Sat 06:38> 39.79  
113 <2017-12-10 Sun 06:37> 38.56  
114 <2017-12-11 Mon 06:45> 38.86  
115 <2017-12-12 Tue 06:45> 39.86  
117 <2017-12-13 Wed 06:41> 39.71  
119 <2017-12-14 Thu 06:42> 40.32  
121 <2017-12-15 Fri 06:45> 39.95  
123 <2017-12-16 Sat 06:42> 40.03  
124 <2017-12-17 Sun 06:47> 39.96  
124 <2017-12-18 Mon 06:45> 40.07  
125 <2017-12-19 Tue 06:44> 40.61  
127 <2017-12-20 Wed 06:46> 40.75  
137 <2018-02-15 Thu 05:48> - Start of 2018 data taking, temp readout broken
140 <2018-02-16 Fri 05:44> -  
146 <2018-02-18 Sun 06:15> -  
148 <2018-02-19 Mon 06:12> -  
150 <2018-02-20 Tue 06:00> -  
152 <2018-02-21 Wed 06:12> -  
154 <2018-02-22 Thu 06:14> -  
156 <2018-02-23 Fri 05:58> -  
158 <2018-02-24 Sat 06:15> -  
160 <2018-02-28 Wed 06:01> -  
162 <2018-03-02 Fri 05:58> -  
162 <2018-03-03 Sat 06:03> -  
162 <2018-03-04 Sun 05:57> -  
164 <2018-03-05 Mon 06:00> -  
164 <2018-03-06 Tue 06:00> -  
166 <2018-03-07 Wed 05:44> -  
170 <2018-03-14 Wed 05:35> -  
172 <2018-03-15 Thu 05:29> -  
174 <2018-03-16 Fri 05:30> -  
176 <2018-03-17 Sat 05:25> -  
178 <2018-03-18 Sun 05:24> -  
178 <2018-03-19 Mon 05:22> -  
178 <2018-03-20 Tue 05:16> -  
178 <2018-03-21 Wed 05:15> -  
178 <2018-03-22 Thu 05:12> -  
180 <2018-03-23 Fri 05:12> -  
180 <2018-03-24 Sat 05:17> -  
182 <2018-03-25 Sun 06:07> -  
182 <2018-03-26 Mon 06:07> -  
240 <2018-10-22 Mon 06:38> 48.27 Begin of Run 3 period
242 <2018-10-23 Tue 06:38> 48.61  
244 <2018-10-24 Wed 06:45> 48.70  
246 <2018-10-25 Thu 06:47> 49.83  
248 <2018-10-26 Fri 06:47> 49.37  
250 <2018-10-27 Sat 06:46> 47.55  
252 <2018-10-28 Sun 05:40> 47.16  
254 <2018-10-29 Mon 05:55> 45.77  
256 <2018-10-30 Tue 05:33> 45.56  
258 <2018-11-01 Thu 05:50> 46.15  
261 <2018-11-02 Fri 06:10> 46.65  
261 <2018-11-03 Sat 05:53> 47.02  
261 <2018-11-04 Sun 06:14> 47.97  
263 <2018-11-05 Mon 06:14> 47.94  
265 <2018-11-06 Tue 05:53> 47.27  
268 <2018-11-09 Fri 06:00> 47.66  
270 <2018-11-10 Sat 06:04> 48.39  
270 <2018-11-11 Sun 06:11> 48.43  
272 <2018-11-12 Mon 06:10> 48.69  
272 <2018-11-13 Tue 06:04> 48.59  
272 <2018-11-14 Wed 06:10> 48.96  
274 <2018-11-15 Thu 06:10> 48.57  
274 <2018-11-16 Fri 06:07> 48.60  
274 <2018-11-17 Sat 06:03> 47.98  
276 <2018-11-18 Sun 06:05> 47.70  
276 <2018-11-19 Mon 06:10> 47.36  
278 <2018-11-24 Sat 06:22> 46.60  
279 <2018-11-25 Sun 06:29> 46.74  
279 <2018-11-26 Mon 06:26> 46.67  
281 <2018-11-27 Tue 06:20> 46.57  
283 <2018-11-29 Thu 06:22> 46.31  
283 <2018-11-30 Fri 06:26> 46.76  
283 <2018-12-01 Sat 06:29> 46.83  
285 <2018-12-02 Sun 06:26> 46.75  
285 <2018-12-03 Mon 06:28> 46.62  
287 <2018-12-05 Wed 06:28> 47.10  
289 <2018-12-06 Thu 06:29> 47.44  
291 <2018-12-07 Fri 06:31> 46.23  
291 <2018-12-08 Sat 06:35> 46.13  
293 <2018-12-09 Sun 06:32> 46.02  
293 <2018-12-10 Mon 06:32> 45.78  
295 <2018-12-11 Tue 06:33> 45.41  
297 <2018-12-12 Wed 06:37> 44.38  
297 <2018-12-13 Thu 06:35> 44.50  
298 <2018-12-14 Fri 06:40> 44.74  
299 <2018-12-15 Sat 06:43> 44.50  
301 <2018-12-16 Sun 06:41> 44.44  
301 <2018-12-17 Mon 06:26> 45.03  
303 <2018-12-18 Tue 06:52> 44.69  
306 <2018-12-20 Thu 06:30> 40.04  
Click on any heading marked 'extended' to open it