29. Occupancy maps    Appendix

In this appendix we find a few plots of the entire Septemboard activity during the CAST Run-2 and Run-3 campaigns. For each a plot of the raw pixel activity in the form of counts (how many times was each pixel activated) and in the form of summing the Time over Threshold (ToT) values is shown. In both cases the color scale is cut to the \(95^{\text{th}}\) percentile of the data for better visibility. In each plot small regions that see infrequent sparks show up. Different chips have different amounts of activity, due to imperfect calibrations, in particular of the 6 outer chips.

29.1. Run-2

Figure 1: Figure 176: Occupancy maps of the Septemboard during the Run-2 data taking campaign at CAST based on the raw pixel activity counts. Color scale saturates at \(95^{\text{th}}\) percentile of all data. Some regions with sparks are visible. Top right chip on the left edge and bottom right, center right chip bottom left and bottom right chip in multiple spots. Generally activity is slightly different between chips, due to different threshold calibrations.
Figure 2: Figure 177: Occupancy maps of the Septemboard during the Run-2 data taking campaign at CAST based on the sum of raw pixel ToT values. Color scale saturates at \(95^{\text{th}}\) percentile of all data. Any pixel activity exceeding \(\mathtt{ToT} > 1000\) are filtered out.


29.2. Run-3

Figure 3: Figure 178: Occupancy maps of the Septemboard during the Run-3 data taking campaign at CAST based on the raw pixel activity counts. Color scale saturates at \(95^{\text{th}}\) percentile of all data. Less spark activity visible than in Run-2. Differing levels of activity are still visible.
Figure 4: Figure 179: Occupancy maps of the Septemboard during the Run-3 data taking campaign at CAST based on the sum of raw pixel ToT values. Color scale saturates at \(95^{\text{th}}\) percentile of all data. Any pixel activity exceeding \(\mathtt{ToT} > 1000\) are filtered out.

29.3. Generate occupancy map plots    extended


./plotBackgroundSeptemboard \
    -f ~/CastData/data/DataRuns2017_Reco.h5 \
    --title "Run-2 CAST data occupancy" \
    --outfile ~/phd/Figs/occupancyMaps/run2_occupancy_map_by_count_perc95.pdf &
./plotBackgroundSeptemboard \
    -f ~/CastData/data/DataRuns2017_Reco.h5 \
    --title "Run-2 CAST data occupancy" \
    --outfile ~/phd/Figs/occupancyMaps/run2_occupancy_map_by_charge_perc95_max1000.pdf \
    --onlyCount=false \
    --chargeCut 1000


./plotBackgroundSeptemboard \
    -f ~/CastData/data/DataRuns2018_Reco.h5 \
    --title "Run-3 CAST data occupancy" \
    --outfile ~/phd/Figs/occupancyMaps/run3_occupancy_map_by_count_perc95.pdf &
./plotBackgroundSeptemboard \
    -f ~/CastData/data/DataRuns2018_Reco.h5 \
    --title "Run-3 CAST data occupancy" \
    --outfile ~/phd/Figs/occupancyMaps/run3_occupancy_map_by_charge_perc95_max1000.pdf \
    --onlyCount=false \
    --chargeCut 1000
Click on any heading marked 'extended' to open it