26. CAST Detector Lab data Appendix
In this appendix we present additional plots of the CAST Detector Lab (CDL) data taking campaign, as introduced in sec. 12.2. First in sec. 26.2 plots of all CDL runs by their target and filter combination, both for the pixel and charge spectrum, can be found, split by each run. Sec. 26.4 then contains all figures equivalent to fig. 54 for all the different runs (both as pixel and charge spectrum).
26.1. Generate all spectrum plots split by run extended
All the plots of the spectra split by run are produced by
as mentioned in
However, for this appendix we wish to have slightly larger fonts, because the only plot used in the main thesis body is a single plot, not side by side.
So the command for this appendix:
F_WIDTH=0.5 WRITE_PLOT_CSV=true ESCAPE_LATEX=true USE_TEX=true \ cdl_spectrum_creation \ -i ~/CastData/data/CDL_2019/CDL_2019_Reco.h5 \ --cutcdl --dumpAccurate --hideNloptFit \ --plotPath ~/phd/Figs/CDL/
26.2. All spectra split by run
The plots in this section are useful to see the variation visible for one target/filter combination between different runs. In theory the peaks should always be at the same pixel / charge value, but in reality for some targets they vary significantly between runs. This is the main motivator to treat the data on a 'run-by-run' basis.
26.3. All CDL spectra with line fits extended
The plots in this section are the raw and cleaned pixel and charge spectra for each target/filter combination, but not split by run. Any missing parameter indicates it was fixed. For lines with an explicit 'fixed', all parameters were fixed.
26.4. All CDL spectra with line fits by run
The plots in this section are the raw and cleaned pixel and charge spectra for each target/filter combination, split by run. Any missing parameter indicates it was fixed. For lines with an explicit 'fixed', all parameters were fixed.